Thursday, May 14, 2009

LEXI made Starlette Company!!! WOOT!

So lexi had try-outs Tuesday night and they posted the names of those who made it yesterday at the High School.  Lexi walked over to find out and called me.  But I wanted to go back over and take a picture of the list but she didn't want too.  We are very proud of Lexi!!!! She has worked hard and she is a great dancer.  Good Job Lexi!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Murray High Softball Team

This picture was taken at the game yesterday after the teams SUPER HUGE WIN over Olympus.  The team lost to them last time and had to win to tie for first place.  It was an exciting game!!  Of course Kenzie is posing on the back row...  i love this kid!!!!
This picture is in the Deseret News Paper... with a nice write up on the teams win...   WOOT!!!  2 games next week and then off to state!!