Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sami's last tournament in S. Jordan

Sami played first base this whole tournament.. she did great!!! She is also an awesome hitter!!  Her mom is not so good at getting the pictures of her playing those positions though.. opps 
Mom and Lexi being cheerleaders..haha


Arlene said...

You have a cute blog too! Thanks for leaving a comment on ours. I'll be visiting here again & I'm excited to get to know your family better. DeVon and I have always loved your family & admire the way you have raised your girls. We can only hope to get so lucky with our girls - yours are so cute & are such great kids! I'm excited to get to know you better by seeing all that you have to "brag" about!

Madi said...

You're Awesome Sambo!!! We are glad you had a great time. You ROCK! Love you

Becky Gray said...

oh my